We recommend using at least three different sources of information for your work.

* regional literature focused on Jewish history and monuments
(for the history of Jewish communities see; in general: H. Gold, J. Klenovský - the area of Moravia, B. Rozkošná - especially central Bohemia, M. Stehlík - Jindřichův Hradec district etc.)
* regional literature in general
(chronicles, almanacs of municipalities and towns)
* regional periodicals
(pre-war, wartime and post-war newspaper and magazines)
* school archives and district archives
* construction and land register offices
* the Central State Archive in Prague
* the Terezín Memorial
* the Jewish Museum in Prague
* Department of Holocaust documentation - database of holocaust victims personal witnesses and memories, photo documentation, Archive of Jewish commnunities
* the Jewish Community of Prague
(database of deported people)
* historical literature
* literary or cinematographic depiction of the Holocaust with a child as the central figure

* Hanin kufřík, Praha, 2003
* B. Fritta - I. Klíma, O chlapci, který se nastal číslem, Praha, 1998
* Dospívání nad propastí: deník Jiřího Münzera, Praha, 2002
* E. Erbenová, Vyprávěj, mámo, jak to bylo, Praha, 1994; táž Sen, Praha, 2003
* Z. Fantlová, Klid je síla, řek' tatínek, Praha, 1996
* V. Gissingová, Perličky mého dětství, Praha, 1992
* Neztratit víru v člověka... / Protektorát očima židovských dětí, Praha, 2007
* Ch. Pressburger, Deník mého bratra (Petra Ginze), Praha, 2004
* A. Franková, Deník, Praha, 2004

* O zlém snu (director Pavel Štingl about Eva Erbenová)
* Síla lidskosti (director Matěj Mináč about the rescuer Nicholas Winton, Věra Gissingová and other rescued children)
* Nezapomínání (director Tomáš Škrdlant, a film of memories of contemporary children to the project Neztratit víru v člověka... Protektorát očima židovských dětí)
* Zmizelí sousedé (director Josef Dlouhý)

The films can be borrowed in the Education and Culture Centre of the Jewish Museum in Prague.

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