STRAUBING: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
NEW   28. 1. 2013
Straubinger Rundschau journal, article
On 28th of January 2013 the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition was opened on Johannes-Turmair-Gymnasium in Straubing, Germany. The pupils of the school as guides presented it to the guests of the vernissage and will do so till February, the 11th.
FURTH: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
NEW   14. 11. 2012
»» open poster
The opening of The Neighbours who disappeared exhibition took place in Maristen-Gymnasium in Furth (Germany) on the 8th of November 2012. The pupils as guides made the tours for the participants of the vernissage. Later in the evening they also presented their own project on the history of the Jews from their place. The exhibition will stay till November the 30th 2012 in Furth.
VOTICE: exhibition, Czech republic         »» read report
NEW   10. 11. 2012
November, 1st, 2012 were more than 24 pupils of Grammar School Votice trained as guides for their peers at school.
Böblingen: exhibition, Czech republic         »» read report
NEW   9. 11. 2012
The commentary of the local journal
The Neighbours who disappeared exhibition was opened in the Mildred-Scheel School in Böblingen (Germany) on 9th of October 2012.
NEVEKLOV: exhibition, Czech Republic         »» open poster     
NEW   8. 9. 2012
On 8 September 2012, a pious meeting has been organized by the town of Neveklov together with the Association of the Communities of the Neveklov Region, the town of Sedlčany and other communities concerned, to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of the removal of the Neveklov Region citizens and the founding of the military training camp SS Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen. At this occasion, the audience has also been introduced to the exhibition Neighbors Who Disappeared, among other events. The opening speech to the exhibition was given by Senator Tomáš Topfer. During the subsequent week, it was visited by students from the local Management High School and pupils from the Neveklov middle school. Both tours were guided by Eva Kuželová, the exhibition lecturer.
NUREMBERG: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
28. 5. 2012
On the occasion of the 63th Sudeten-German Days, 25-27 May 2012 in Nuremberg, the Neighbours Who Disappeared exhibition was also opened to public.
GERETSRIED: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
1. 2. 2012
»» open poster     
»» read school report
Geretsried, 1. 2. 2012 - 29. 2. 2012
STUTTGART: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
24. 10. 2011
NEW !! »» read report - In und Um Weilimdorf
»» open poster     
On 24th of October 2011 the opening of the Neighbors who disappeared exhibition took place in the Solitude Gymnasium in Stuttgart (Germany).
MUNICH: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
15. 8. 2011
»» the article about the vernissage - Sudetendeutsche Zeitschrift (.pdf)
On July 7, 2011, the official opening of the Neighbours Who Disappeared exhibition took place at the Sudetenland-German House (Sudetendeutsches Haus) in Munich, Germany.
OBERURSEL: exhibition, Germany         »» read report
10. 6. 2011
»» open poster     
On the 10th of June 2011 on the occassion of the "Days of Hessen" the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition was opened in the Gymnasium in Oberursel (Germany).
KOUŘIM: exhibition, Czech Republic         »» read report
30. 5. 2011
Till the 30th of May The neighbours who disappeared exhibition will be open in the town hall in Kourim.
BÁNSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA: exhibition, Slovakia         »» read report
10. 5. 2011
On the 10th of May the opening of the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition took place in the Andrej Kmet´s High School in Bánská Štiavnica, Slovakia.
SLANÝ: exhibition, Czech Republic         »» read report
6. 5. 2011
On the 6th of May the training of guides took place in the elemenatry school in the town of Slany. The guides - pupils of the school used their skills on the opening of the exhibition The neighbours who disappeared in Slany on 12th of May.
TŘEŠŤ: exhibition, Czech Republic         »» read report
6. 5. 2011
On the 6th of May 2011 the opening of the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition took place in the synagogue in Třešť.
Gollwitz, Brandenburg, Germany         »» read report
26. 4. 2011
»» open Poster
On the 7th April 2011 the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition took place in the "Begegnungstätte Schloss Gollwitz" (the "Place of meetings" Castle Gollwitz) in Brandenburg in Germany.
SVITAVY, Czech republic         »» read report
NEW   7. 4. 2011
In the framework of the traditional Month of holocaust the Neighbours who disappeared exhibition was opened in the Municipal Museum and Gallery in Svitavy on 31th of March 2011.
MANETTO HILL JEWISH CENTER: New York, USA         »» open Poster
23. 3. 2011
March 21 - May 1, 2011
Sydney, Australia         »» read report
15. 3. 2011
On the 6th of March 2011 the presentation of the Neighbors who disappeared project took place in the Jewish Museum in Sydney, Australia.
Castle Head High School, Glasgow         »» read report
21. 2. 2011
»» open Poster
The Castlehead High School in cooperation with Paisley Museum, from 27th January to 27th March 2011
NORDENHAM: The Exhibition, Germany         »» read report
9. 11. 2010
»» open Poster
The exhibition The Neighbours who disappeared was opened on 22nd of November 2010 in the city library in Nordenham, Germany.
»»   press
Exhibition in Dresden, Germany         »» read report
28. 10. 2010
The exhibition The Neighbours Who Disappeared was opened on the18th of October 2010 in the exhibition room Alte Wache Loschwitz in Dresden.
Exhibition in the House of Youth in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany         »» read report
27. 9. 2010
"The Neighbours who disappeared" exhibition went off on 21th of Septemeber 2010 in the House of Youth in Berlin-Zehlendorf and will be opened to public till October, the 8th.
BERLIN: Mitte Museum, Germany         »» read report
3. 6. 2010
»» open poster
On June 6, "The neighbours who disappeared" exhibition was opened in Mitte Museum in Berlin.
BERLIN: the Embassy of the Czech Republic, Germany         »» read report
11. 5. 2010
»» open poster
12.5 - 28.5. 2010
EICHSTÄTT, Germany         »» read report
26. 4. 2010
»» open poster
26.4.-30.4. 2010
FÜRTH, Germany         »» read report
12. 4. 2010
»» open poster
12.4. - 23.4.2010
Holocaust Phenomenon through children eyes, Brno, Reduta, Czech Republic         »» read report
17. 3. 2010
Student´s conference concerned on today´s perception of Holocaust historical reality was held in March, 17 in Reduta Theatre in Brno...
BERLIN, Germany         »» open poster
9. 3. 2010
9.3. - 31.3.2010
17.3: The openining in Berlin
Fritz-Karsen-Schule, Onkel-Bräsig-Straße 76, 12359 Berlin
ANNUAL MEETING, USA         »» open poster
19. 2. 2010
BERLIN, Germany         »» open poster
15. 2. 2010
15.2. - 8.3.2010
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY in Prague, Czech Republic         »» read report
2. 2. 2010
»» open poster
February 3, 2010
NWD in England, England         »» open poster
10. 01. 2010
Faighters against totality, Czech Republic         »» read report and photogallery
01. 07. 2009
June, 4 was the exhibition NWD opened in the framework of the national competition for schools Faighters against totality
Regensburg, Germany         »» read report and photogallery
01. 07. 2009
May 12th 2009 the NWD exhibition was officially opened at the University of Regensburg.
Open Gate in Babice, Czech Republic         »» read report and photogallery
26. 03. 2009
This is to invite you in occasion of the opening of NWD exhibition in High School Open Gate in Babice January 27 2009
»» poster
NWD IN GERMANY 2009, Korbach         »» read report and photogallery
26. 03. 2009
Germany - Korbach The NWD exhibition (German version) was officialy open in March, 2nd by Eva Kuželová from JMP and by representants of the Korbach municipality, local News paper and teachers.
Jihlava - Chevra Cadisha, Czech Republic         »» poster     
26. 03. 2009
The invitation - " let words to become thein Memorial" from January 27 - June 30.
Framlingham, Sussex, UK         »» read report and photogallery
26. 03. 2009
We succesfully and personally (Eva Kuželová, Marta Vančurová) opened the exhibition NWD in Thomas Mill High School in Framlingham, Sussex in occasion of the Day of Holocaust Remembrence held in the school for the second time.
NWD IN ITALY 2009, Cesena         »» read report
23. 03. 2009
Open Gate boarding High school in Babice, Czech Republic              
09. 01. 2009
Events connected with a Day of Holocaust Remembrance
NWD IN GERMANY - NEW, Tostedt         »» poster     
09. 01. 2009
NWD IN ITALY - NEW, Cesena         »» poster     
09. 01. 2009
NWD IN ENGLAND - NEW, United Kingdom         »» poster     
09. 01. 2009
January 5 - 30, 2009, Framlingham
NEWS FROM CESENA, Italy         »» open     
07. 12. 2008
Golden Stars Awards 2008, Brussels         »» read report
14. 11. 2008
The winners of the Golden Stars Awards 2008 were awarded in Brussels November 13 their prize from the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Mr. Jan Figel'.
NWD IN UNITED KINGDOM, Colchester         »» read report
6. 10. 2008
September 25.-26, 2008 - opening of the NWD exhibition on Royal Grammar School in Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom in cooperation with local Jewish congregation (Roberta Sheps and David Lyon). The project was presented by student´s guide training session. Total number of students - guides is 50, other students (number of students in school is 782) will be invited for guided tour by this selected and trained group. .
ABOUT OUR TOWN TELČ, Czech Republic         »» read report     
17. 9. 2008
How can you get to owr town, interesting views, our school....
NWD IN GERMANY, Gundelfingen         »» poster     
17. 9. 2008
1.10. - 15.10. 2008 - Albert-Schweitzer Gymnasium
NWD IN GERMANY, Müllheim         »» poster     
17. 9. 2008
15.9. - 30.9. 2008 - Markgräfler Gymnasium
NWD IN ENGLAND, Colchester         »» poster     
3. 8. 2008
The opening of the traveling exhibition in UK - 25. 6. 2008 in Colchester Royal Grammar School see poster (opening speech and training of students ing. Eva Kuzelova)
NWD in BZENEC, Czech republic         »» poster     
3. 8. 2008
7.8. 2008 - 30. 9. 2008
Commission gives Golden Stars to 12 citizenship projects, Brussels         »» read report
22. 7. 2008
The European Commission has selected 12 civic participation projects that encourage action and debate on EU issues at the grass-roots level. Later this year, these projects will be awarded the "Golden Stars of active European citizenship" in a prize ceremony in Brussels, hosted by Commissioner Ján Figel'. The 2008 Golden Stars are awarded as part of the Europe for Citizens programme, and give official recognition to initiatives that showcase cooperation, effective working methods and tangible results in the area of civic participation. The winning projects involve participants from 22 EU Member States.
NWD IN GERMANY, Frankfurt am Main         »» read report (+photos)
4. 6. 2008
20.- 21. 5. 2008 was held a presentation of the NWD project in Frankfurt, Germany in (viz plakát a mé dřívější emaily) led by Eva Kuželová
»» poster
NWD IN ITALY, Cesena         »» read report (+photos)
4. 6. 2008
Presentation in Cesena, Italy in 20-21 led by Marketa Slunečná for more then 200 students of I.T.I.S. "Blaise Pascal" leader of Italian group: Donato Tinelli
»» poster
NWD IN OSTRAVA, Czech republic         »» poster     
4. 6. 2008
27.5. - 13.6.
NWD IN OLOMOUC, Czech republic         »» poster     
4. 6. 2008
14.4. - 25.4.
NWD IN OPAVA, Czech republic         »» poster     
4. 6. 2008
6.3. - 30.3.
NWD IN ITALY, Cesena         »» poster
NEW   20. 5. 2008
May 20 - May 21 2008
NWD IN VANIER COLLEGE LIBRARY, Montréal, CANADA         »» poster
5. 4. 2008
April 10 - May 2, 2008
REPORT ABOUT NWD IN ITALY 2008, Ferrara         »» open report     
10. 2. 2008
The exhibition Neighbors Who Disappeared was presented at High School I.T.C.S.V. MONTI in Ferrara in the period from 20. 9. 2007 till February 2008.
»» poster
NWD IN CANADA, Toronto         »» poster     
30. 1. 2008
Neighbours Who Disappeared in Canada, FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 28, 2008.
NWD IN USA, GREENVILLE, S.C. — Furman University         »» read report (+photogallery)     
2. 1. 2008
January 2-26.
GREENVILLE, S.C. — Furman University will host “Neighbors Who Disappeared,” a traveling exhibit from the Jewish Museum in Prague that remembers the lives of the Czech Jews who disappeared during the Holocaust.
ITF International Conference, Prague         »» read report     
20. 12. 2007
Presentation of the Neigbours Who Disappeared exhibition during ITF international Conference in July 2007 in Prague, hotel Crown Plaza.
How to teach about Holocaust, seminar, Terezin Memorial        
25. 11. 2007
Presentation of a new group on the seminar in Terezin Memorial How to teach about Holocaust.
New groups signed into the project:
Strakonice High school
Grammar School Bzenec
Grammar School Janáčkova, Krnov
NWD IN GERMANY, Frankfurt am Main         »» poster     
5. 11. 2007
November 5 - November 16, 2007
NWD in Czech Republic, Strakonice         »» poster     
October 9, 2007
October 31 - November 30, NWD in Strakonice - Czech Republic
Pullman Washington State University, USA - Washington State         »» poster     
October 9, 2007
October 15 - November 21, Washington State Universiti's Holland and Terrell Libraries
NWD IN WASHINGTON, USA - Washington         »» read report
January 31, 2007
On its journey through the United States an opening ceremony of the travelling exhibition of Culture and Education Centre Neighbours Who Disappeared took place at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington in presence of the Czech Ambassador Petr Kolář on the occasion of the Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27.
Premiere of the exhibit in Italy, ITALY - Ferrara         »» read report
April 12, 2007
Participation on the Seminar for teachers, Czech Rep., Terezin Memorial         »» read report
November 26, 2006
The exhbition NWD A (12 panels) was open at the Municipal, Czech Rep., Chomutov         »» read report
November 9, 2006
Remembering ‘Neighbours Who Disappeared', Santa Maria         »» read report
October 7, 2006
New version of the exhibition NWD in English,          »» read report
October 6, 2006
President Vaclav Klaus visited the NWD exhibition, near to Teplice, North Bohemia         »» read report
October, 2006
Neighbours Who Dissappeared, Farmington Hills         »» read report
September 6, 2006
Neighbours Who Dissappeared in Holocaust Museum, Los Angeles         »» read report
September 2006
autor: Barbara Kroll
Jom Ha Shoa Day, Czech Rep., Prague        
April 24, 2006
The project Tribute to the Child Holocaust Victims participated on Yom Ha Shoah Day in Prague
US Tour of Czech Exhibit, Falls Church, Virginia         »» read report
April 21, 2006
Premiere of the exhibit in USA, Falls Church, Virginia         »» read report
April 20, 2006
Docent Training Information          »» read report
April, 2006


 ITALY Travelling Exhibition   »» 

 USA Travelling Exhibition   »» 

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