Neighbors who disappeared project (Project of the Jewish Museum in Prague supported by The Forgotten Ones) is offering a student's guides training workshop for group of 12-19 years old students.
What is necessary to prepare by teacher: a group of 8-26 volunteers - to become laters guides of NWD exhibition for other students
Preparation: reading of texts, panels, film called NWD in English (we can send it before the date of the opening, if possible)
1. Presentation of the project by our lecturer (20-30 minuts)
2. Workshop (a group of 8-26 students)
A. Familiarization of panels
Small groups (2-4) of students will choose each group one panel and they read the story at panel and write notes on their papers trying to be ready to present it in front of the rest of the class.
20 - 30 min
B. Presentation
After reading the story of each panel carefully they will be ready to share this story with others in the classroom. They can show a copy of panel or if possible the big size of panel to others and tell the story.
For 17-year-old students is 20-30 minutes total enough.
Discussion - each panel is offering specific questions
Total time: 60 - 90 minutes
C. Following activities
The group can or find their own survivor and try to follow Czech students (we prefer this output) and create web site or panel or both either it depends of the teacher (we welcome any output or feedback and thank you for that very much)
Marta Vančurová
NWD project coordinator
The Forgotten Ones assotiation