Jewish Museum in Prague
Education and Culture Centre of the JMP
Bejt Elend
Tel.: +420 290 026 856, e-mail: elend@mail.com
Bejt Praha
Tel./Fax: +420 222 310 199, e-mail: office@bejt-praha.cz
Bejt Simcha
Tel./Fax: +420 222 252 472, e-mail: chevra@bejtsimcha.cz
The Community House of Jewish Community of Prague
Tel./Fax: +420 224 819 354, e-mail: justitz@volny.cz
The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 224 800 858, +420 224 800 824, Fax: +420 224 810 912, e-mail: sekretariat@fzo.cz
Chabad Centrum
Tel./Fax: +420 222 320 200, e-mail: chabadprague@mbox.vol.cz
The Jewish Agency - Sochnut
Tel.: +420 224 810 099 , e-mail: zosa@email.cz
Masorti - The Orthodox Jewish Community in Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 608 176 579, e-mail: masorti-en@masorti.cz
Matana, a.s., Management of property owned by the Jewish Community of Prague
Tel.:  +420 224 828 184, Fax:  +420 272 734 909, matana@matana.cz
The Terezin Initiative & The Terezin Initiative Institute
The Jewish Community of Brno
Tel.:  +420 545 244 710, Fax:  +420 545 212 803, e-mail: zob@zob.cz
The Jewish Community of Děčín
Tel.:  +420 412 531 095, e-mail: kehiladecin@volny.cz
The Jewish Community of Karlovy Vary
Tel./Fax:  +420 353 230 658, e-mail: jewishkv@volny.cz
The Jewish Community of Liberec
Tel.:  +420 485 103 340, e-mail: zolbc@tiscali.cz
The Jewish Community of Olomouc
Tel./Fax:  +420 585 223 119, e-mail: zidobec@login.onyx.cz
The Jewish Community of Ostrava
Tel./Fax:  +420 596 621 354, e-mail: sekretariat@kehila-ostrava.cz
The Jewish Community of Plzeň
Tel./Fax:  +420 377 235 749, e-mail: zoplzen@volny.cz
The Jewish Community of Prague
Tel.:  +420 224 800 812, Fax:  +420 222 318 664, e-mail: sekretariat@kehilaprag.cz
The Jewish Community of Teplice
Tel.:  +420 417 538 209, e-mail: kehila@volny.cz
The Jewish Community of Ústí nad Labem
Tel.: +420 475 208 082
Council for the compensation of the victims of the Holocaust in the Slovak Republic
Tel./Fax: +421 - 255 421 771, e-mail:kancrada@stonline.sk
The Central Federation of Jewish Religious Commumities in the Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 - 254 416 949, Fax: +421 - 254 418 041, e-mail: uzzno@netax.sk
The Jewish Community of Bratislava
Tel.: +421 - 254 416 949, Fax: +421 - 254 418 041
The Jewish Community of Košice
Tel: +421 - 956 221 047
Foundation M. Šimečky, Bratislava
Helen Epstein
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