About the exhibition Neighbours Who Disappeared:
The collection of the first seven students’ works (outputs) was published in October 2000. The authors were invited to the Prague Castle and appraised by president Václav Havel and by the Czech writer Arnošt Lustig. First documentary about the project was broadcasted by Czech TV on 1st August, 2001. An exhibition of 12 different works of students is a part of teachers’ seminars on Holocaust in Education and others (4 copies were created, A – 135/85 cm, B- 130/80 cm, C – 100/50, D- A3. The first regional publications are printed since 2003. The first international meeting was held in Prague, June 2004. An English version of the exhibition and English catalogue will be ready in May 2005. We are looking for possible co-organizers to present it abroad.
About the new project a Tribute to Child Holocaust Victims
A preparation of a new exhibition
Students are looking for their Jewish classmates from World War II. period.
Classmates from Pilsen - brochure
Classmates - Volume prepared by students from Pilsen
Planned localities in 2005:
Type A: Kostelec nad Orlicí - library (February, March) Uherské Hradiště Grammar school UNESCO (April) , Opava - library (May – June), Holešov, Mikulov – synagogue (summer 2005 Mikulov an English version), Česká Třebová – Museum (October- November), Heřmanův Městec – synagogue (with an English version November-December)
Type B: Louny – High school, Cinema Modřany Prague 4, Festival 9 Gates Senat of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (not confirmed yet) – June 23. – 26., Jindřichův Hradec Festival Folk Rose (is not confirmed yet) – July Nová Paka, Heřmanův Městec, Prague Festival 9 Gates, together with an English version synagogues at Mikulov, Holešov, Uherské Hradiště, Plzeň, Kolín, and accompanying activities.)
Other planned activities:
• At least three students’ meetings or presentations (June 05 Prague, September 05 Prague, seminars for teachers at Terezin)
• New outputs (posters, volumes, websites) – local new research and posters for the project A tribute to Child Holocaust Victims at Plzeň, Litomyšl, České Budějovice, Chotěboř, Telč
• Following and accompanying activities of the Education and Culture Centre of the Jewish Museum in Prague and NGO Forgotten One´s
As an important part of the project volumes, films and a traveling exhibition (12 panels from various regions - Sokolov, Zábřeh, Ostrava, Lipník, etc.) have been created (in the first stage inspired by students and done together with them, now created by students themselves with the least necessary assistance of the Educational and Cultural Center of the Jewish Museum (JMP) and NGO Forgotten Ones of an organizational and financial nature. The project is supported by the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (exhibition at its premises in 2002, student presentation of the project on the occasion of the Day of Remembering, January 27, 2005), Terezin Memorial (presentation of the project by the students at teachers’ seminars), Jewish Community in Prague (September 5th – The Day of Jewish culture), Festival 9 Gates (June 04, presentation of the Visegrad countries’ meeting during the festival conference). Thanks to the support of the Anne Frank House and the Municipal House of Prague 1, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic, and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, four copies of the exhibition and 4 thousands of teachers’ books have been prepared. The exhibition will be translated and created in English in May 2005.